European Strategic Initiative

Building synergy

European strategic initiative

About us

European Strategic Initiative is an international non-profit organisation aiming to promote a strong Europe capable of facing the challenges and transformations of our time.

Through its action with political and economic decision-makers, European Strategic Initiative intends to place strategic autonomy at the heart of the European project.

Our objective is to offer a platform for meeting and dialogue connecting private and institutional actors in order to generate synergies contributing to the emergence of an innovative Europe with renewed ambitions.


There is no such thing as premature ideas, there are only ripe times that one should wait for

Jean Monnet

The chairman’s message

Grégory Jullien

The ripe times…

The EU's strategic autonomy must no longer be a subject of debate, it must become a reality. Therefore, it is essential to overcome semantic and ideological blockages.

Jean Monnet wrote that “There is no such thing as premature ideas, there are only ripe times that one should wait for”. Over the last decades, the EU has been able to strengthen itself by embracing these opportune moments: the single market, the Schengen area, the euro...

The EU is strengthened by its progress, and it is now time for it to assume its role as a power capable of facing the various challenges that lie ahead.

Acting autonomously, reducing its dependencies, and strengthening its capacities, means being less vulnerable!

But there will be no real strategic autonomy without a political will to act together for a common objective. By building synergies through meetings and debates, ESI intends to take part in the development of this common European strategic culture.